Shop Talk / Industry Insiders > GunLink

Site Email Issues

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A couple members have reported issues with not receiving topic reply notifications/site emails. 

We are looking into the issue to see what could be causing it.  The "email user" function and the contact form appears to be working and there are no email issues reported in the error logs, so it appears that only certain forum messages are being dropped (e.g. topic reply notifications). 

edit: Password reset requests also confirmed to work.  'Newsletter' emails also confirmed to work with a temporary settings change.  We will re-enable this change later after more testing.

The server is not blacklisted for sending emails.  It could be that certain generic email formats (every forum running this software sends out nearly identical topic reply notifications) are being caught in spam filters somewhere along the way.  Some forum emails that are being delivered are getting through but are delayed by as much as 15 minutes, which may or may not also be related. 

If you are trying to register for an account and have not received your activation email, please see this post. 

We will post updates here when we get it figured out.

edit2: We have a lead to follow up on based on some clues uncovered during testing.  We will not be able to follow up on them until later this evening at the earliest.

The lead we were chasing was a dead end, but we have another lead and the wizards in the server room are on the case. 

Hopefully they get it figured out ASAP and resolve the issue.


Test post

We (fingers crossed) appear to have got the email issues fixed.  It was a known issue with the server provider that has happened to other people in the past and been resolved with varying levels of success.  We have made preps to move if we need to in case the issue comes back, but hopefully it won't.

Thank you all for your patience

- GL Team


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